What are the installation methods of industrial casters and how to install and fix them correctly?
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What are the installation methods of industrial casters and how to install and fix them correctly?

2024-03-08 Industry news
The installation methods of industrial casters can be used in different situations because of their diversity. Bolt mounting, latch mounting, welding mounting, threaded hole mounting and press-fit mounting are the most common methods. At the beginning of installation, you first need to carefully consider the design and usage requirements of the equipment and choose the most suitable installation method. Cleaning the installation surface is an important step to ensure the stability of the caster installation. Only by ensuring that the surface is smooth and clean can the casters fit tightly and be installed stably to avoid looseness or instability.
After selecting the appropriate fixings, we need to ensure that they are installed correctly on the equipment to ensure the stability and safety of the casters. For bolted and latch installations, ensure that the bolt or latch is installed correctly on the equipment and is tightened appropriately, neither too tight to cause damage nor too loose to cause looseness. For welding fixation, it is necessary to ensure that the welding is complete and firm to ensure that the casters will not fall off or move during operation.
After the installation is completed, we need to carefully check the installation status and stability of the casters. This includes checking that the casters are properly installed on the equipment, are positioned accurately, and that the fasteners are secure. Only by strictly following the procedures during installation and ensuring that all steps are properly executed can the stability and reliability of the casters during use be guaranteed.